Why Jordan is Awesome (And Why I want to Visit.. Now)

by Kelly on October 8, 2013


I’ve been dying to visit Jordan for years now, ever since I first put my foot in the Middle East on a trip to Israel last year.

The entire region fascinates me, but Jordan, in particular, stands out as a place that speaks to me. Why, you ask?

Easy! Here are a few reasons why Jordan is awesome:

  1. Petra: This rose-red city was carved into the mountains Nabataeans, an industrious Arab people who settled here more than 2,000 years ago. If that’s not cool, I don’t know what is. I’ve read about Petra and seen tons of photos, but nothing will compare to actually being there, and I’m dying to see this place by candlelight at night.
  2. Jesus Was Baptized Here: I’m not even very religious, but I’m a total history nerd, and this is about as historic as it gets. When I was in Israel I walked the Via Dolorosa, the 9 Stations of the Cross, and it was incredibly powerful. I can only imagine that standing in the footsteps of Jesus once again would make me feel…. Holy.
  3. Jordanians believe that excessive praise of children brings bad luck, so it should be avoided: And I’m all about that. Get your babies off of me, please!
  4. Jordan has the world’s lowest suicide rate at 0.04 per 1,000 people: I think there’s something to be said about this. Happy people in any land, usually means happy holidays for you and me. What makes Jordan so great that everyone wants to live around here? I don’t know, but I want to find out!
  5. The Country is Relatively Small: I’ve heard you can drive from border to border in five hours, which is awesome. I really like to see most of a country when I travel abroad, and renting a car in Jordan just sounds like the recipe for a really cool road trip.

Emirates fly regularly to Jordan, so whadya say? Want to hop on a plane to Jordan with me next year?

Have you ever been to Jordan? What were the highlights?

Creative Commons License photo credit: mayanais

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