Fly or Cruise: What Suits You Best?

by Kelly on November 27, 2013

NCL Jade (156)
Deciding whether to fly or cruise to a destination depends on a number of things: Are you are destination person, or an ‘it’s all about the journey’ type? Do you need time out to wind down before you get to where you going? Or is your destination agenda packed with activities? What is your budget?

Many times we fly to our destination without a second thought: it’s quick and it’s safe, but a boat cruise can be a really relaxing and enchanting part of your holiday. You can inform your decision by comparing price tags and also travel hours. A little research with a travel professional like will help you decide.

Let’s have a look at some of the pros and cons when considering whether to fly or take a cruise.


Flying will always be the quickest way to reach any destination. But if you have time on your hands a cruise can be a really relaxing and rejuvenating way to travel. A flight might leave you worn out, jet-lagged and grumpy, whereas as a cruise may see you arriving sun tanned and serene.


Flying can be expensive and a little uncomfortable. Depending on the service you use you may have to pay extra for leg room, in-flight meals and snacks and entertainment. Cruise prices generally include everything – meals, activities and great night time entertainment. You should be aware that drinks and shopping are tempting extras aboard ship and you may end up spending extra holiday dollars if you indulge.

The Need for Space

Plane seats are tiny and you will usually be hemmed in by other passengers. If it is a long flight you will have to contend with people snoring, babies crying and overly loud neighbors. You will also have to disrupt your row of fellow passengers whenever you need to go to the toilet or take a stretch. For some people this is not a problem, but for others it is sheer torture. Cabin sizes on cruise ships are also generally pretty small, but a cruise ship will afford you the opportunity for endless wandering as well as a chance to take in the ocean vistas and the sunshine. When deciding which way to travel, give some thought to the importance personal space has for you.

Entertainment While you Travel

How easily are you bored? Will watching a few movies help you to while away the hours on a flight, or will you become incredibly restless watching the small screen? On ship entertainment is non-stop and very diverse. You can swim, watch movies, shop, dine at a variety of restaurants, catch a show, and take part in deck-side activities. Entertainment can even include rock climbing, cooking classes and art classes. So, consider your need for entertainment en route when making your decision.


Any form of travel will have an environmental impact, so if preserving the environment is important to you, try and calculate which mode of transport will have the smallest footprint.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Jorge in Brazil

What about you? Are you a flyer, or a cruiser?

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