Las Vegas: Friend, or Foe?

by Kelly on January 16, 2011

As Luzes de Vegas

Las Vegas and I have a complicated relationship: sometimes we stay up together all night, drinking and dancing, riding around in limousines surrounded by friends and bright lights, thoroughly enjoying one another.

And sometimes, we cannot stand one another. Not for another dirty, sleazy minute.

I just got back from a week-long work trip in Vegas and by the end of it, I could not have been happier to get the F out of there.

As in, if one more person hands me a tiny card with photos of naked ladies promising me a “good time,” or if I hear one more late-night a ching a ching a ching of a penny slot, I will literally throw up my $35 buffet dinner.

hot babes sign

Sometimes, I can’t decide which camp I’m in. Pro Vegas? Or No Vegas?

I can see how people can love Vegas– it’s flashy, it’s bright, it’s fun, it’s full of bars and clubs to hide out in and there a lots of pretty people, but somehow whenever I’m there I feel somehow like I’m almost being forced into having fun.

Like Vegas is hovering over me with all of it’s glitter and glam screaming,


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Las Vegas is at it’s prime in the late night. Everything is lit up, everyone is walking around, dressed up, drinking and smoking (two things that lean me towards the Pro-Vegas camp) and there’s a carefree, anything goes attitude in the air.

Then, the morning comes. And it’s like someone pulled the covers off of the city and exposed it for how truly dirty and flashy and sometimes tacky it is.

And then I just want to go home and take a bath.

I suppose for a weekend with a few girlfriends, Vegas can be awesome. But any more than that, for me at least, and I want out.

What about you? What are your thoughts on Vegas? Love it, or hate it? Have you had any great adventures in Sin City?

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Jim January 16, 2011 at 3:30 am

Two places we’d never think of going to for a vacation- Las Vegas and Dubhai. If we want bright lights and glitz we’d leave our Christmas decorations up. 🙂
Give us the dirt and dust, the ragged and poor, the ancient temples, ruined castles ,bullock carts, camels and donkeys…life as she is lived!

Laura January 16, 2011 at 3:48 am

I’ve never been to Vegas, but I’ve always imagined it would be just like you described. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t love it, but I’d still like to go someday just to see it. 😉

Kelly January 16, 2011 at 5:07 am

Yea, it’s kind of glitzy and tacky, but I’m sure it can be amazing depending on the company and where you go! Would be fun to go with you I’m sure!!

Kelly January 16, 2011 at 5:08 am

Great comment! Man, you hit the nail on the head. Exactly what I look for in my travels!

Ayngelina January 16, 2011 at 4:49 pm

Never been but completely curious!

Emily January 17, 2011 at 8:21 pm

I have a feeling I’ll feel the same way whenever I finally get around to going there. I know I will love the shows and food, but the crazy bars, clubs, and casinos I keep hearing about don’t seem at all like my style. I can see how it would quickly get overwhelming. But I know I need to experience it before I die!

Rebecca January 17, 2011 at 10:31 pm

You answered your own question. Being from Los Angeles, I couldn’t imagine spending anymore then 3d/2n there. I just can’t wrap my head around people spending like A WEEK there. I love it, but anything more then 3 days, I’d totally switch sides.

Natalie - Turkish Travel blog January 18, 2011 at 5:54 am

I have never been but I would like to. The image in my head ad the pictures I see screams tacky from a mile away but I still want to experience it because it is one of the most well known places in the world.

Mike Lenzen January 19, 2011 at 9:39 pm

I’ve been, and it can be hit or miss like you say. I loved the food, there are all kinds of tasty restaurants offering reasonably priced meals. My wife and I usually split and fed ourselves lunch or supper for under $15. Drinks are cheap on Fremont Street, so are rooms if you book in advance, and flights at least from here in Regina are cheap.

But, like you say after a week it’s time to go. You can only stand the crowds, drinking, and pushy escort services for so long.

Tammy Burns January 26, 2011 at 2:29 am

I went to Vegas for the first time last year, finally giving in to a friend who had been begging me for years to go. I thoroughly expected to hate it. I wanted to hate it. I’m not a gambler and I hate crowds – two big red flags. But then, I got there and I loved it. Like people have said, I think the main reason it was so fab was that I was with a group of fantastic people – which can totally make or break a trip. That, and the fact that Vegas is just so over-the-top ridiculous, that you feel like you’ve stepped into some surreal alternate universe. There’s talk of us all going back there together, but I wonder how it will be now that the novelty is gone. Part of me is dying to return and part of me doesn’t want to ruin the magic.

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