The Countdown Begins

by Kelly on March 15, 2011

Sea Dolphin (Long Tail Boats), Thailand [Explored]

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god… I am leaving for Thailand in 10 days!

I cannot believe it has come so fast. I’ve been so busy working on Go! Girl Guides and generally running around that I feel like the time has caught me unexpectedly.

I am beyond excited to visit this part of the world… but seriously, 10 days??

This is where the mayhem begins.

If you are planning a trip in 10 days, there are some loose ends that you (and I) will have to tie up.

  • The House: For a while I was going back and forth on whether or not I should keep my house, and whether I could justify paying rent. In the end, I decided there was no way I was going to make time to move out, so I bit the bullet and paid up through April. And, as fate would have it, I found a friend to live in my space while I’m gone and help with rent. Phew!
  • The Mail: Now that I have a house-sitter I don’t have to worry as much. If you don’t, you will have to figure out where to send you mail. I suggest buying a PO Box, and forwarding everything there.
  • Vaccinations: Make sure you have the vaccinations you’ll need (if any), and the paperwork to prove it!
  • The Dentist: I don’t know anyone who actually likes the dentist. Still, it’s nice to know your teeth are in good shape before you take a big trip.
  • The Bag: If you’re new to traveling, make sure you get a backpack within the 10 days before your trip and try it out. Weigh that sucker down, walk around and see how you like it.
  • Packing: Ahh, packing. It always makes a trip feel more real. I never end up packing until the last possible minute, but maybe you’re more responsible than me. Still yet, I’d say hold off on packing until a couple of days before your trip. Oh yea, and do laundry before you go.
  • Clean: Everything. There is nothing like coming home to a nice clean house.

It’s crunch time baby!

So help me out! Have you been to Thailand? What should I pack? (I’m thinking next to nothing). Any tips for me?

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Kieron March 15, 2011 at 5:32 am

Hooray! Not long now!

You don’t need to pack much, just be sure you’ve got the essentials! If I were you, I’d just go to the dentist somewhere in Thailand – quality work at a fraction of the price of home.

Kelly March 15, 2011 at 5:34 am

That is very good advice! I’ve been putting it off and putting it off.. I probably will end up just doing it in Thailand! So excited!

Ayngelina March 15, 2011 at 8:04 am

You need next to nothing, clothing there is so cheap, you can get great t-shirts and tank tops for 2-3 bucks.

Nicolas March 15, 2011 at 10:21 am

Your passport and a credit card, all the rest can be bought 😉

Mark E Tisdale March 15, 2011 at 6:38 pm

It’s funny how packing changes (at least for me) as I get more comfortable with travel. My first trip to London, really just a long weekend, I had my wheelie bag packed of pretty much everything but toiletries for almost a week! And I agonized over what I might leave behind. One trip on cobblestones and the wheelie bag gave way to a backpack and my fears over leaving something behind faded.

Since then, I end up packing the night before I go and I almost always forget some little item. As long as it’s not something major, I figure they have it where I’m going. And hey, I’ll have that belt I had to buy on a later trip to London for a long time. Memories… 😉

Kelly March 16, 2011 at 4:15 am

Yep, that’s pretty much what I’m thinking! Laptop for me is a must though, since I’ll be working, but I’m really just bringing a day pack with electronics, a couple of dresses and bathing suits. Shizam!

Kelly March 16, 2011 at 4:16 am

I always wait until the last minute! I can’t help it. If I don’t, then my packed bag becomes fodder for outfits to wear!

Bluegreen Kirk March 17, 2011 at 6:15 pm

I bought my house so unfortunately getting someone to jst stay there is out of the question. I never even considered going to the dentist before a trip. I must have my laptop also but my wife dreads seeing me pack it.

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